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“It was difficult to conduct logistics at the school, they had to maintain an excel with 100+ tabs” Our dear and long-time client asked us for a new project. It was a reservation/booking system for a school. TRIARE CTO Anton Malyy personally had his hands on this project to address not only the basic need but also expand the product. From the first clickable prototype to a complete custom solution, we made it a convenient system for personnel and a profitable business for the owner.


The crucial role of a school receptionist (administrator) was to organize the lessons correctly and fill the rooms efficiently, without having any error of mismatching time for teachers and their students. It was an arduous task to handle all this logistics in a spreadsheet, so TRIARE had to step in. We were required to focus on the key task while holding a big picture in mind.

What we have done

We improved the onboarding and workflow to support several types of lessons: Personal lessons (one-on-one sessions) Group lessons (sessions with multiple students, up to 8 in a class) Besides, we helped to differentiate and display the rate transparently, both for teachers and students.

We made separate interfaces for the receptionist and a teacher. The teacher could enter this system and specify free time slots for students. In the following iteration, we made a mobile application where the student can now log in and select an available slot.

TRIARE team took an initiative and introduced additional perks to the platform’s users. For example, we established the logic for calculating salary payments and added integration with the payment system. Students could also start paying via this system without the help of the receptionist. Additionally, we developed a solution for the staff salary payouts in just three clicks.

  • Timetable with teaching hours
  • Pricing with an hourly rate
  • Class(room) availability
  • Teacher ranking and demand adjustment
  • Payment system
  • Payroll system

A2G Management

We agree that success is achieved by close collaboration, so we can find and analyze opportunities together.


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