web design

Web Design- A legendary service
provider for Website Designs recognition. Determined
to provide 100% satisfaction to the customers.

(888) 372 0531


Provide a dating platform for the Christian Orthodox community and other denominations to have the ability to find a beloved person and build a healthy family relationship with the same vision and priorities.


Customer wanted to realize a platform where Christian Orthodox and other denominations can find beloved. Our team had to redesign and redevelop Meet&Right applications after the previous team whose performance wasn’t successful.

What we have done

On the Discovery phase, we created Scope of work documentation which included all client’s requests and features description. It helped us during all the next steps in farther development. Also, we created a plane for Backend and Application architecture correction that was build before. Wireframes and Design were developed in da house. According to the documentation, wireframes, and design we created a Detailed Estimate which was approved by the client and we based on it our timelines.

  • Users profile
  • Candidates catalog
  • Chat
  • Unlimited to see profiles
  • Previously Reviewed
  • Profiles that do not match settings

A2G Management

We agree that success is achieved by close collaboration, so we can find and analyze opportunities together.


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