web design

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Start up company which took a challenge to make important need of remembering knowledge into digital world and help people with smartphones to have best use of it.


The knowledge that we do not repeat or apply fades quickly. There was a need for the app helping people to learn and remember things as well as develop their memory. MindZip made it easy and fun to save and repeat knowledge.

What we have done

Around this idea we have created an ecosystem which includes mobile apps, web app, chrome extension all connected to server side via API. This tool unites content creators, publishers and users who are willing to subscribe to high quality content. All the apps are in sync and help to focus on the importance of creating and memorizing knowledge by removing all the distractions which user may experience. One of the best thing about this tool is a wise use of push notifications which brings ultimate value to the user.

  • In app purchases (ios/android)
  • In app subscriptions
  • Push notifications
  • Third party api integrations
  • In app chat
  • Offline mode Social features

A2G Management

We agree that success is achieved by close collaboration, so we can find and analyze opportunities together.


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