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Tennis Solutions LLC is a Florida based company with intend on doing business by developing and providing specialized tennis SaaS to customers in the USA and around the world.


One of the most time-consuming activities for any tennis player who belongs to a club is messaging other players with the goal of organizing a game, booking courts and scheduling lessons with instructors. On the other hand, tennis instructors at clubs typically balance their time between giving lessons and acting as matchmakers and checking their schedule. So the client needed a simple and elegant solution to help tennis players and instructors to save time for actually playing tennis.

What we have done

2 apps for iOS and Android users helping them to book courts, schedule and reschedule games and lessons, find partners for matches, chat with comrades-in-rackets and check the game calendar. In addition to the mobile app, OpenTennis would provide club managers with a web interface which will make managing club members and court schedules a breeze.

  • Calendar with personalized events
  • In-app chat platform
  • Booking courts
  • Schedule lessons and matches
  • Personal profile
  • Dashboard for club managers
  • User management
  • Court management
  • Club calendar
  • Push/email notifications

A2G Management

We agree that success is achieved by close collaboration, so we can find and analyze opportunities together.


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